Sleep Apnea

We Walk Hand in Hand Towards Beautiful Smiles With Our Expert Family Dentists

Have you found yourself having difficulty sleeping? Are you waking up feeling far more exhausted than when you went to bed? If so, you may be suffering from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a common yet severe sleep disorder that afflicts millions of people worldwide. Sleep apnea is a condition that affects the way you breathe while you sleep. If you are worried you may suffer from sleep apnea, do not hesitate to consult our dentists, Dr. Tim DePalma and Dr. Marissa Garcia, for an examination and a possible sleep study. At DePalma Family Dentistry in Denton, Texas, we provide various sleep apnea treatments to help our patients have a peaceful sleep again.

Types of Sleep Apnea

If you suffer from sleep apnea, your breathing can become shallow, paused, or even stopped while you sleep. Not treating sleep apnea can lead to a range of health problems, including high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. There are three main types of sleep apnea, each with its own unique characteristics.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea:

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common type, whereby the airway becomes blocked by the soft tissue in the back of your throat, making breathing difficult.

Central Sleep Apnea:

Central sleep apnea (CSA) is less common and occurs when the brain doesn’t send the right signals to the muscles that control breathing.

Complex Sleep Apnea:

Complex sleep apnea syndrome (CompSA) is a rare form of sleep apnea that combines obstructive and central sleep apnea.

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

The most common sleep apnea symptoms include:
If you notice you have any of these symptoms, you must schedule an appointment with Dr. Tim DePalma or Dr. Marissa Garcia today.

Treatments for Sleep Apnea

The type of treatment that would be best depends on the cause and severity of your apnea. Treatments for sleep apnea include:

CPAP Therapy:

The most common treatment for sleep apnea is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, which involves wearing a mask that delivers air pressure to keep the airway open. CPAP therapy is an excellent way to improve sleep and allow air to flow. However, it is essential to note that CPAP therapy may not be for everyone as not everyone enjoys wearing equipment on their face when they sleep.

Oral Appliances:

These appliances, also known as mandibular advancement devices (MADs) or dental sleep devices, are worn in the mouth during sleep. They work by repositioning the lower jaw and tongue to keep the airway open, preventing the collapse of throat tissues that cause breathing interruptions characteristic of sleep apnea.

Lifestyle Changes:

In some cases, lifestyle changes could be all you need to help treat and relieve your sleep apnea. Changes can include weight loss, stopping smoking, and avoiding alcohol.


In severe cases, we may recommend surgery to help treat your sleep apnea. However, surgery is always a last resort, and we will test all other treatment plans before we ever suggest surgery.

It is essential to work with your dentist to determine the best treatment plan for your sleep apnea.

Prevention of Sleep Apnea

Specific lifestyle changes can go a long way in helping to prevent sleep apnea. Maintaining a healthy weight, getting regular exercise, avoiding alcohol and smoking, and getting enough sleep can help reduce your chances of having sleep apnea. Sleeping on your side instead of your back may also improve breathing and reduce snoring. If you have allergies or other conditions that affect your breathing, treating these conditions can also help reduce your risk of developing sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea Treatment

in Denton, TX

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that can have serious health consequences if not properly managed. It is essential to get sleep apnea treated and not to ignore the signs and symptoms. If you notice you have any symptoms of sleep apnea, schedule an appointment with us at DePalma Family Dentistry to get the care you need. By taking proactive measures to improve your sleep health, you can protect your overall well-being and improve your quality of life.
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